How it Works With VoiceRank
It’s a new world out there, we can help.

Get Setup
First, you’ll need to get signed up for the service and get assigned a Voice Search Rep that will conduct a short interview of you and your business. Remember, we are a hands on approach to Voice Search marketing, and the more we know about your business, the type of customer you want to attract, and how we can leverage voice to do that, the more effective your campaign will be.
2 Options for Your Business
Get Listed
We comb through your business’s digital footprint and see where the holes are. One of the keys to being number one on Voice Search is how robust your footprint is. We use a combination of software, and old fashioned human research to make sure your business is in it best light online. Getting your business listed on Google Home, Alexa, Siri, etc, is where most other Voice Search companies stop, but for us, this is only the beginning.
Optimize Your Story
We work with you / your marketing person to optimize the narrative that a customer might want to engage with you over. For example, a customer might ask Alexa for your hours, standard. But what if you could provide more value by asking the customer if there is anything specific they are looking for, or let the customer know about a sale happen that weekend. With an optimized story you can control the message your customer receives in a new and engaging technology.

Ongoing Support
We continue to work with you and your marketing team to get the best result out of this fast growing segment of marketing. Much will change in the next few years as AI and NLP (Natural Language Processing) advances. As computers are better able to interact with us simply with our voices, the line between man and machine is less opaque, and the opportunity for a forward thinking business owner is undeniable.

Facts About Voice Search
58% of consumers use voice to find local business information
For more statistics and usage data, click here.
From the Blog
The Early Adopter Wins, in Tech
Voice Search Technology connects you with your current and future customers by allowing you to engage with them in a new and exciting way. People are EXCITED to use voice search and the intelligence of modern speech devices makes it more fun all the time.
This technology is the future of how we will interact with computers. A few short years from now the competition for voice search will be crazy. but just like when Google came out and SEO got going, the early adopters got to the top and secured their spot, making it ultra expensive for their competitors to climb above them.

We have service options for every business.
Get in touch with us and see if working together is a good fit.
Please note that because of the nature of our service, and the ethics involved, We will only work with one company of a given type in a given area so that we may focus all of our efforts to make that business #1.